Pure Sleep | AmbiScience™ • Binaural & Isochronic Ambient Sleep Utility App Reviews

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No updates in over 3 YEARS.

No update for over 3 years! Developer hasnt as much as tweeted for almost six months. I think its time to give up on this developer. Dont get me wrong. I love what this app does, and I use it often for sleep. The interface badly needs a ground-up rethink. Too much effort went toward it *looking* cool. Too many steps to set up a track, a frequency, a timer. No updates. No iPad format. No retina display update. I want to buy one Tesla app with everything, too.

First Greatest App

Best there was, best there is, best there ever will be! -Roy Hobbs A fitting statement for Ambiscience, as it is by far the longest lived App on my Pod. If you wanna knock yourself out cold (and sometimes find it impossible to wake up

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